STS-126 Endeavour/747 departs  Edwards AFB.
on Dec. 10, 2008 at 7:08am PST

 (To see the STS-126 launch photos click here!)

(To see the STS-126 landing photos click here!)


A C-17 Pathfinder departs about 10 minutes ahead of the Shuttle to
check the weather in front of the flight path.

Endeavour mated on NASA 911 taxis out to Edwards rwy 04. The 747 was purchased from Japan Air Lines.

Total liftoff weight was 710,00 pounds. With Endeavour weighing 223,640 pounds!

Total takeoff distance was 10,500 feet.

Endeavour/NASA 911 depart at 7:08am local time.

Endeavour/NASA911 are limited to an altitude of 15,000 feet and 250kts to protect the shuttle from freezing conditions.

Distance Endeavour/NASA911 can travel is about 900-1100 miles until refueling.

Endeavour?NASA911 head eastbound with a NASA F-18 chase plane.

(To see the STS-126 landing photos click here!)

 (To see the STS-126 launch photos click here!)

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