The Second Delta IV Launches from
West Coast Space Shuttle Launch Pad
Vandenberg AFB, Calif.
Nov. 4th, 2006
more about this mission & launch click here)
(Click here to see photos and read about the
famous SLC-6 pad built for the Space Shuttle)
here to go right to
Page 2 Remote Camera setup & MST Roll Photos)
Page 1
Liftoff from SLC-6 at 5:53am PST!

All Delta IV rockets put out a spectacular hydrogen fireball prior to

A view from the Mobile Service Tower.

The last cloud of hydrogen is burning off as the Delta IV lifts off.

Liftoff from about 150 ft away!

A view of the Delta IV from the MST

This photo was taken from a camera just Southeast of the pad up on a

A wide angle view from SW of the pad.

A 220 second time exposure from 9 miles away captures the Delta
IV heading South from SLC-6.
(Lighted area on left is the Atlas 5 pad and dark structure sticking up
just to the right of the streak is the old Titan IV pad).

A closeup view of the Delta IV plume seconds after launch.
(Click here for
Page 2 Remote Camera setup & MST Roll Photos)
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