Neo Contra (2004)
In Collection

Publisher Konami
Developer Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (KCET)

Action gamers head back to the future -- to save it from another alien invasion -- in Neo Contra. The series' stalwart hero Bill Rizer returns to action, joined by new character Genbei Jaguer Yaguy, a mysterious samurai warrior with a distinctly different fighting style. The biggest change of all, however, may be the game's perspective; unlike its numerous side-scrolling shooter forebears, NeoContra offers an angled, top-down perspective on its alien-ridden 3D environments. Neo Contra was developed by the same Konami Tokyo team that crafted the PS2's previous latter-day Contra game, Shattered Soldier.
Product Details
UPC 083717201038
Format CD-Rom
No. of Disks 1
Multiplayer Support Same Screen
Devices Joystick, Gamepad
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Mature
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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