The Conduit (2009)
In Collection

Publisher Sega of America
Developer High Voltage Software

The current chaotic state of Washington D.C. has escalated due to increased reports of "alien" activity in the Potomac area. These reports have been confirmed as true by our field agents. Normally, we could be sure that this information would be ignored, but the events of recent terrorist attacks on the capital and the assassination attempt on the President's life has left government and private organizations in an overly paranoid state. All U.S. agencies are scrambling for any answers to these threats. As you know they are unprepared and incapable of dealing with what is to come. It is in the Trust's hands to neutralize this new threat to our nation.

We have designated these alien subjects as the Drudge. It has been established that they are operating in and around the Potomac River near the capital. All attempts of contact have been met with hostilities. As to their purpose it is as of yet unconfirmed, but speculation of an invasion seems to be the highest probability.

Product Details
UPC 010086650228
Format DVD
No. of Disks 1
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Teen