Beyond Good & Evil (2004)
In Collection

Publisher UBI Soft
Developer Ubisoft Entertainment SA

Created by Michel Ancel, the man responsible for the Rayman franchise, and in development for over three years, Beyond Good & Evil is a sci-fi action game starring a female operative named Jade. Jade agrees to work for a covert group known as IRIS after her home planet of Hyliss falls under attack from an aggressive race of aliens. Played from a third-person perspective set behind the lead character, players must use Jade's skills in reconnaissance to discover the truth behind the alien invasion and the apparent conspiracy by the government to cover it up. Designed using a custom game engine appropriately entitled "JADE," players can explore their environments however they wish, discovering new mountains, lakes, cities, towns, and even planets while delving deeper into the mysteries of the story line. The engine was created to bring flexibility to the exploration aspects of the title, allowing the game to dynamically change in response to whatever vehicle or craft players may be using to journey from one locale to the next. As part of her job, Jade carries with her a camera to take photographs of potential evidence. She must be careful, however, as there are forces that will try to stop her at every turn. Players must learn to wield an aikido staff to protect Jade against enemies, as well as perfect a number of acrobatic maneuvers needed to fully explore their surroundings. Combining elements of stealth, combat, and puzzle solving, Beyond Good & Evil offers an epic story line designed to have players questioning the motives and actions of everyone involved in the insidious plot to bury the truth.
Product Details
UPC 008888151128
Format CD-Rom
No. of Disks 1
Devices Gamepad, Joystick
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Teen
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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