Genma Onimusha (2002)
In Collection

Publisher Capcom
Developer Capcom Co., Ltd.
Series Onimusha

Genma Onimusha is an update of the original PlayStation 2 title -- the first game on the system that sold a million copies. The game's fundamentals were borrowed from Capcom's beloved Resident Evil series, but changed significantly in order to accommodate the more fluid, action-heavy fight sequences in the game. As the accomplished samurai Samanosuke Akechi, players must rescue the young princess Yuki from the clutches of the demonic forces that have invaded Inabayama castle. Thanks to the powerful Ogre gauntlet he wears, Samanosuke bears the ability to consume the souls of vanquished enemies, which can be used to replenish his own health or imbue his weapons with greater power. New enemies and game areas as well as a modified difficulty level make up the bulk of the Xbox-exclusive features, but undoubtedly the most significant change is the addition of Green Souls to the game. When taking damage, enemies (as well as Samanosuke himself) will release Green Souls. If the player manages to collect a certain number of these, Samanosuke will become invincible for a short period of time. Enemies however, are also able to absorb these souls, which will in turn make them more powerful. Unlike the other soul variants, the Green Souls can be consumed while fighting. What ensues is a tug-of-war between the player and the enemy as both vie for possession of the soul, while still trying to defeat each other in combat. A new burst attack has also been added, granting players the ability to perform a potent charged-up attack -- a handy ability as the Xbox version features more enemies on screen at one time.
Product Details
UPC 013388290017
Format Video Game
No. of Disks 1
Devices Gamepad, Joystick
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Mature
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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