The Adventures of Cookie and Cream (2001)
In Collection

Publisher Agetec, Inc
Developer FromSoftware, Inc.

The Adventures of Cookie and Cream is a 3D platformer that can be played as a single- or multiplayer game. Players must guide the two cartoonish, bunny-like characters (Cookie and Cream) through parallel courses that usually scroll from the top of the screen. As the characters run side by side up their individual tracks, they often come to obstacles that block the path for one or both of them. In cooperative games, the character on one side can help clear the obstacle for his partner by manipulating objects on his or her side of the screen. In competitive games, the character on one side of the screen may hinder the progress of the character on the other side in a similar manner. Since character movement is performed using one analog stick, it is possible for two players to use the same controller at the same time, or for four players to compete using only two controllers. The Adventures of Cookie and Cream is designed to be an immediate, lighthearted title suitable for casual gaming and multiplayer parties.
Product Details
UPC 093992089306
Format DVD
No. of Disks 1
Devices Gamepad, Joystick
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Everyone
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Quantity 2
Links All Game Guide
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