Tenchu 3: Wrath of Heaven (2003)
In Collection

Publisher Activision
Developer K2, LLC
Series Tenchu

Wily ninjas Rikimaru and Ayame return in Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven, the third entry into the Tenchu series. Both have a unique style and progress through the nine single-player missions differently, with varying objectives. A wealth of trickery and stealthy weapons await: throwing stars, grenades, land mines, poisoned rice balls, magical swords, flaming arrows, invisibility cloaks, explosive throwing stars, skyrockets, and grappling hooks are all available. Enemy starting positions change each time players restart a level, and enemies behave differently depending on their weapon and emotional state. Spearmen, for instance, prefer fighting from a distance to maximize their reach advantage. Some enemies become enraged and attack blindly, but more calculating adversaries refuse to leave an advantageous position. Tenchu 3's story hints at unresolved questions from Tenchu: Stealth Assassins and Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins, and some familiar villains, like Tatsumaru, return. Tenchu 3 includes a two-player versus mode set in an enclosed arena with additional hostile enemies. Perhaps most interesting, however, are the six split-screen cooperative missions. These missions are completely different from the story or versus mode, and require dedicated teamwork. Special bonus moves, such as a double-team stealth kill, are only available in the cooperative missions.
Product Details
UPC 047875804210
Format CD-Rom
No. of Disks 1
Multiplayer Support Split Screen
Devices Joystick, Gamepad
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Rating Pending
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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