Kya: Dark Lineage (2003)
In Collection

Publisher Atari
Developer Eden Studios

Take the role of a young woman in a strange and magical land, who finds herself at the heart of a cultural uprising as she searches for her lost brother. In a style evocative of contemporaries such as BloodRayne, Primal, and the influential Tomb Raider games, players take control of Kya, an able and attractive heroine, for combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving through a surreal, three-dimensional game world. Though influenced by earlier hits, Kya: Dark Lineage claims its own territory in the action-adventure genre. The game is built on a new, proprietary engine designed for high quality graphics and a physics system that provides players an immediate sense of Kya's interactions in the world around her. The adventure takes place through 34 quests and side missions, set in nine different game worlds. Kya's powers become stronger as she conquers new challenges along the way. Lost in an unreal world, Kya wishes only to find her missing brother and escape back to reality. In her journey she encounters the peaceful Nativ tribe. She is greeted with kindness, but soon finds that her new friends are being persecuted by a group called the Wolfens. Yet these tormenters are themselves merely pawns of a much greater threat -- a mysterious overlord called Brazul. It is only by facing the evil Brazul that Kya can hope to bring peace to this world, and perhaps find a way back to her own.
Product Details
UPC 742725239630
Format CD-Rom
No. of Disks 1
Devices Joystick, Gamepad
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Teen
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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