The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (2005)
In Collection

Publisher Nintendo
Developer Capcom Co., Ltd.
Series Zelda

Nintendo's famous swords-and-sorcery champion Link faces some enormous challenges, as he journeys through the Lilliputian lands of the Minish folk in this Game Boy Advance adventure. Though it may be too small for a normal-sized person to ever notice, the realm of the Minish hosts a bustling community of good-hearted people. Unfortunately, it is also a community of people in trouble, and it will take a hero like Link to help save them all. So it's lucky that at the beginning of this adventure, Link rescues a creature that allows him to shrink in size. This wise-cracking creature -- which is actually a talking hat -- offers a few other surprises as well, and the powers it bestows on its wearer become instrumental in solving many of the game's puzzles. Some of the environments in Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap are best suited to a person of normal size, while others can only be accessed by someone of Minish proportion; Link must learn when to switch back and forth in order to accomplish different tasks. Real-time battles and NPC interaction also play their part in this adventure. Many characters carry "kinstones," which are half-pieces of special pendants. Often, when Link can recover the missing half of a kinstone, new characters, areas, or abilities become available. The Minish Cap was developed by the same Capcom studio that created the well received Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages Legend of Zelda titles for Game Boy Color.
Product Details
UPC 045496734909
Format Video Game
No. of Disks 1
Devices Gamepad, Joystick
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Rating Pending
Extras Booklet
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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