Battlestar Galactica (2003)
In Collection

Publisher VU Games
Developer Warthog

Based on the original television show that aired from 1978-1979 as well as the 2003 miniseries released on the Sci-Fi Channel, Battlestar Galactica is a space combat game pitting the ragtag Colonial army against the imperialistic Cylon centurions. In an original story line taking place 40 years before the events chronicled in the original television series, players are cast in the role of a young Willliam Adama, who would later become commander of the title starship. While piloting a Colonial Viper and an assortment of other fighters, players will embark on search-and-destroy missions to bombing runs, escorts, reconnaissance, and defensive operations to protect the Battlestar Galactica at all costs. As players follow the cinematic story line, they will eventually participate in epic dogfights against enormous capital ships and defending Cylon Raiders. Success in battle will allow players to acquire up to three wingmen to defend, attack, or follow a specific target, with experience earned over time translating into improved skills in combat. If a wingman should perish, however, he's gone for the remainder of the game. In addition to standard laser fire, the payloads for each vessel can be adjusted to create up to 36 missile types used to lock onto defenses or to eliminate a wide range of threats from a single launch. U.K.-developer Warthog's previous sci-fi credits include Star Trek: Invasion, the Dreamcast port of StarLancer, and Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter.
Product Details
UPC 020626718974
Format Video Game
No. of Disks 1
Devices Gamepad, Joystick
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Teen
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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