Stella Deus (2005)
In Collection

Publisher Atlus Software
Developer Atlus

A deadly mist called the "Miasma" spreads across the land, killing all in its path. Having forsaken hope, the inhabitants simply await their deaths. Lord Dignus, self-appointed Overlord of Fortuna, sends forth the Imperial Legion to put a quick end to their apathy and eliminate this "weakness" from his kingdom. Spero, a member of the Legion, has been given the task of hunting spirits to further the alchemic studies of his friend Viser. The young soldier hopes this will bring an end to the Miasma. Meanwhile, a shaman warrior named Linea believes that she can save the world by opening the fabled Gate of Eternity.

Product Details
UPC 730865530113
Format CD-Rom
No. of Disks 1
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Rating Pending
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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