The Mark of Kri (2002)
In Collection

Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer SCEI

For every legend, there is a hero. Epic adventure and fierce combat await you in the newest action-adventure game exclusively for PlayStation 2. Assume the role of Rau, a heroic warrior unmatched in skill and strength, as he battles through richly detailed 3-D environments to discover the truth about his family's dark secrets. Accompanied by his loyal and trusted friend, a large black bird named Kazoo, Rau must fulfill his destiny to protect the world from an evil and powerful spell. With a unique and intuitive combat system in which enemies are attacked in Stealth mode or in an assigned striking order using the right analog stick, The Mark of Kris presents a new and innovative approach to fighting-adventure games.
Product Details
UPC 711719720126
Format DVD
No. of Disks 1
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Mature
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links Amazon US
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