Radiata Stories (2005)
Action - RPG
In Collection

Publisher Square Enix
Developer tri-Ace

Radiata Stories offers real-time RPG action in a beautifully-rendered fantasy setting. In the land of Radiata, human and fairies coexist. 16-year-old Jack Russel lives in this world -- he's a poor peasant whose father was a heroic soldier. When Jack enlists in the army to follow in dad's footsteps, he meets a wealthy young aristocrat who seeks to be a knight. With is unlikely new friend at his side, Jack will find his place in the world by fighting in a terrible war that may doom their world.
Product Details
UPC 662248905099
Format DVD
No. of Disks 1
Devices Force Feedback
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Teen
Extras Booklet
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links Amazon US
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