Super Monkey Ball (2001)
Action - Puzzle - Party
In Collection

Publisher Sega
Developer Amusement Vision
Series Super Monkey Ball

Players control not a character, but tilt the entire environment to guide their "monkey ball" to the goal. Super Monkey Ball's Main Mode is constructed of more than 110 different levels of various difficulty, most of them taken from the arcade game. Players begin their adventure going through these different levels on various settings of difficulty. There are an initial 10 beginner levels, 30 advanced, and 50 expert, as well as extra versions on top of it all. A smattering of multiplayer modes rounds off the package.
Product Details
UPC 010086610000
Format GC Disc
No. of Disks 1
Multiplayer Support Split Screen, Same Screen
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Everyone
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links Amazon US
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