Lunar: Dragon Song (2005)
In Collection

Publisher UBI Soft
Developer Game Arts
Series Lunar

Long, long ago, the world of Lunar was dead. But the Goddess Althena, together with the Dragonmaster and Four Dragons, came and gave life to the land, magically transforming this dead place into a verdant world overflowing with life. She blessed the world of Lunar, and the Dragonmaster swore to her his undying loyalty. He and the 4 Dragons were entrusted with the Goddess's protection, and through her power, a magical world was born. Lunar: Dragon Song is a tale of origins, set 1,000 years prior to the events of the original Lunar: The Silver Star and the adventures of Dragonmaster Alex. The main menu will show pictures of 3 party members, their vitals and current amount of silvers. Also shows the current location and any current actions going on. The Stats menu shows character current statistical information. The items menu allows viewing, using and equipping items. The system menu saves your game. There is also an option called Music Hall which has music found in the game. The Assigned Jobs menu shows the job currently assigned by Gad's Express. Gad's Express Jian and Lucia have worked together for about a year now for Gad's Express. Each town in Lunar - Dragon Song has a Gad's Express in it to take on various jobs for cash. Measured by a 4 star system, jobs are shownby the name of the job, the amount of silver upon completion, difficulty, description, and the location for package delivery.
Product Details
UPC 008888160380
Format Cartridge
No. of Disks 1
Multiplayer Support Wi-Fi
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Everyone
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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