Galerians: Ash (2003)
In Collection

Publisher Sammy
Developer Enterbrain

The sequel to the classic "survival horror" game Galerians, Galerians: ASH brings a new quest-driven thriller to the PS2 that continues the series' masterful blend of horror and science-fiction. Six years has passed since Rion discovered his own identity as an artificial being, yet succeeded in destroying the genocidal Mother Computer Dorothy before perishing himself. Now reactivated by Lilia, Rion awakens to find that Dorothy managed to execute one final catastrophic program, rendering a new evil crew to finish her goal of human annihilation. Galerians: ASH puts gamers back into this twisted world, pitting Rion and Lilia against these Last Galerians. With extraordinary 3D graphics delivering an alien future-world, new weapons and tactics that build on the series' signature arsenal of psychic-induced attacks, and an immersive combination of puzzle-solving and intense action, Galerians: ASH is the next chapter in this epic struggle between artificial and organic intelligence.

Product Details
UPC 808777602935
Format DVD
No. of Disks 1
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Teen
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links Amazon US
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