Kameo: Elements of Power (2005)
Action - Adventure - Platformer
In Collection

Publisher Microsoft
Developer Rare

Sound/Music Steve Burke
Producer Lee Schuneman, Earnest Yuen

From legendary game developer Rare® comes Kameo™: Elements of Power™, a larger-than-life journey full of intense combat, magnificent exploration, and innovative morph-into-monster action. The future of the world depends on Kameo, who must master her new ability to transform into various warriors and harness their elemental powers to save her family from Thorn, the evil troll king. In true Rare fashion, the world is wondrous and immense, the puzzles and challenges are brilliant, and the creature-oriented combat and exploration is innovative and unique.
Product Details
UPC 805529974975
Format DVD
No. of Disks 1
Multiplayer Support Split Screen, System Link
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Teen
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links Gamers On Games
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Amazon UK
Kameo: Elements of Power at Game Collector Connect