The Godfather The Don's Edition (2007)
In Collection

Publisher Electronic Arts
Developer EA Games

The Godfather puts you into the action of the legendary films, letting you relive the defining moments of the Corleone family. After a life of small-time jobs and petty thefts, you are accepted into the Corleone family -- America's most famous criminal organization. It's up to you to carry out orders, earn respect and make New York City your own. Call in larger Corleone Hit Squads when the going gets tough & use them strategically Use loyalty and fear to earn respect through interactions with characters in the world Take down two additional revised compounds of rival Families -- and execute five new contracts New Shipyard and Rail yard transportation hubs players can use and control Modified gameplay takes advantage the PS3 Sixaxis controller
Product Details
UPC 014633156348
Format Blu-ray Disc
No. of Disks 1
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Mature
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links Amazon US
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The Godfather: The Don's Edition at Game Collector Connect