Blue Dragon (2007)
In Collection

Publisher Microsoft
Developer Mistwalker

Blue Dragon is an epic role-playing game that centers on a young boy named Shu and several of his friends. These unlikely heroes possess the power to control phantom shadows that mirror the actions of their masters, giving Shu and his comrades miraculous strength and magical powers. The warriors can create and develop their combat styles by utilizing different types of Shadow Change, including Sword, Assassin, and Power Magic. Shu and his friends must use the shadows as weapons and wield their skills to save their world from impending doom. Encountering various people on a planet where numerous ancient ruins remain, the characters and their shadows travel through a world full of mysteries and illusions, where the slightest touch can cause reactions of unparalleled magnitude.
Product Details
UPC 882224465038
Format DVD
No. of Disks 1
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Teen
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links Amazon US
Blue Dragon at Game Collector Connect