Dark Sector (2008)
In Collection

Publisher D3 Publisher
Developer Digital Extremes

Dark Sector thrusts players into the role of Hayden Tenno, a covert operative sent on a dangerous mission into Lasria – an Eastern European city on the brink of ruin that hides a deadly Cold War secret. In the midst of this mission, Hayden is attacked by an unknown enemy and infected by the Technocyte Virus - a brutal bio-weapon that twists it's victims into mindless killing machines. Surviving this attack, Hayden finds that the Technocyte virus has granted him powerful, inhuman abilities unlike anything he has ever seen. Now, he must evolve with his powers, survive and become a hero.

Product Details
UPC 879278210004
Format DVD
No. of Disks 1
Multiplayer Support Internet
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Mature
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links Amazon US
Dark Sector at Game Collector Connect