Wet Willie has had a longer recording career than is realized by many of even the most diehard fans. It actually spanned from 1970 through 1982, which, by today's standards for recording bands/artists, is a quite lengthy recording career. The first segment of that period was at CAPRICORN RECORDS from 1970 through 1976. The second segment was for EPIC from 1977 through around 1982. During the Capricorn period, there were eight albums and multiple singles released. During the Epic phase, there were two albums and two singles released. Currently, REBOUND and CHRONICLES, subsidiaries of POLYGRAM Records, have released several compilation CD's drawing exclusively from the CAPRICORN archives/masters. In addition, CAPRICORN, Wet Willie's original label, has now reissued the band's entire catalogue (only the Capricorn LP's) in CD format with great integrity to the original packaging and artwork. ( Pretty amazing, really...) Following is a discography of all known releases with the song titles included.
Currently Available on CD
WET WILLIE I (CAPRICORN, 314 558 383-2)Recorded: Capricorn Studios, Macon, GA. 1. Have a Good Time, 2. Dirty Leg, 3. Faded Love, 4. Spinnin' Round, 5. Rock 'n Roll Band, 6. Pieces, 7. Beggar Song, 8. Fool On You, 9. Shame, Shame, Shame, 10. Low Rider
Prod: Eddie Offord

WET WILLIE II (CAPRICORN, 314 558 394-2) Recorded: Muscle Shoals Studio, Muscle Shoals, AL. 1. Shout Bamalama, 2. Love Made Me, 3. Red Hot Chicken, 4. It Hurts Me Too, 5. Keep a Knockin, 6. Airport, 7. Grits Ain't Groceries, 8. Shotgun Man, 9. Shaggi's Song
Prod: Eddie Offord/Johnny Sandlin

DRIPPIN' WET (CAPRICORN, 314 558 003-2) Recorded: The Warehouse, New Orleans, LA. 1. That's Alright Mama, 2. She Caught the Katy, 3. No Good Woman Blues, 4. Red Hot Chicken, 5. Airport, 6. I'd Rather Be Blind, 7. Macon Georgia Greezy Hambone Blues, 8. Shout Bamalama
Prod: Johnny Sandlin

KEEP ON SMILIN' (CAPRICORN, 314 536 134-2) Recorded: Capricorn Studios, Macon, GA.
1. Countryside of Life
, 2. Keep On Smilin'
, 3. Trust in the Lord
, 4. Soul Sister
, 5. Alabama
, 6. Lucy Was in Trouble
, 7. Soul Jones
, 8. Don't Wait Too Long
, 9. Spanish Moss
, 10. In Our Hearts
Prod: Tom Dowd

DIXIE ROCK (CAPRICORN, 314 538 135-2) Recorded: Capricorn Studios, Macon, GA.
1. She's My Lady
, 2. Dixie Rock
, 3. Ain't He a Mess
, 4. Poor Judge of Character
, 5. Mama Didn't Raise No Fools
, 6. It's Gonna Stop Rainin' Soon
, 7. Jailhouse Moan
, 8. Leona
, 9. Take It to the Music
Prod: Tom Dowd

THE WETTER THE BETTER (CAPRICORN 314 538 654-2) Recorded: Capricorn Studios, Macon, GA.
1. No, No, No
, 2. Teaser
, 3. Baby Fat
, 4. Ring You Up
, 5. Comic Book Hero
, 6. Walkin' By Myself
, 7. Everything That 'Cha Do
, 8. Everybody's Stoned
Prod: Paul Hornsby

LEFT COAST LIVE (CAPRICORN 314 538 103 2) Recorded: The Roxy, Hollywood, CA.
1. No, No, No
, 2. Grits Ain't Groceries
, 3. Everything That 'Cha Do
, 4. Teaser
, 5. Lucy Was in Trouble
, 6. Keep On Smilin'
Prod: Paul Hornsby & Kurt Kinzel

, 2. Shout Bamalama
, 3. Airport
, 4. Leona
, 5. Everything That 'Cha Do
, 6. Grits Ain't Groceries
, 7. Countryside of Life
, 8. Red Hot Chicken
, 9. Dixie Rock
, 10. Baby Fat
Prod: (multiple)

BEST OF WET WILLIE (Polydor/Chronicles 314 519 606-2) 1. Have a Good Time
, 2. Shame, Shame, Shame
, 3. Shout Bamalama
, 4. Airport
, 5. Grits Ain't Groceries
, 6. Red Hot Chicken
, 7. Country Side of Life
, 8. Keep On Smilin'
, 9. Dixie Rock
, 10. Leona
, 11. No No No
, 12. Baby Fat
, 13. Everything That 'Cha Do
, 14. Walkin' By Myself
, 15. Lucy Was in Trouble (live version)
Prod: (multiple)

WET WILLIE, 20th Century Masters (MERCURY, Millennium Collection)
(not pictured)(POLYGRAM SUBSIDIARY: REBOUND, 314 520 290-2) Prod: (multiple)
Epic Releases (MANORISMS has been reissued in CD format as of 2003. No word on Which One's Willie as of this date, OCT., '03)**


*will add tracks soon...
We get a ton of email regarding Wet Willie reissues (or the lack of). As many of you probably are aware, there is a great controversy surrounding the access of Mp3 versions of commercially recorded material on the Internet through such websites as Napster, Rapster, Macster, etc. The courts are still undecided on the issue(s), although at some point there will have to be some resolve in the matter. Obviously, it is of great concern to anyone who has sustained him/herself through composing and songwriting, and it leaves little incentive to continue doing so when you realize you may not be compensated for what is a long and arduous process, that of writing and recording music. It can only be surmised that the average consumer must identify music as trivial and therefore deem it ineliglble for the support afforded more "serious" endeavors. (It appears as of mid Feb/01 that it will be illegal to download any material that is copyrighted. There will likely be a solution imposed that will enable some form of the downloading phenom to continue.)