Ghosthunter (2003)
In Collection

Publisher Sony
Developer Sony Computer Entertainment Europe

Players take the role of Lazarus Jones, a rookie cop, in this action-oriented horror adventure by Sony's Cambridge studios. Set in a run-down, supernaturally afflicted Detroit, Ghost Hunter begins in earnest soon after Lazarus and his partner unwittingly disturb an otherworldly experiment and unleash forces of the beyond. One of these freed entities bonds with the hero, gifting him with a number of special powers and abilities. Unfortunately, Lazarus' partner Anna Steele does not fair so well. She is, quite literally, spirited away. Players lead the game's hero on a brooding, spooky quest to save her, and the rest of the world as well, from the dangerous ghosts they accidentally set free. Gameplay involves first- and third-person shooting, stealth, survival-horror urgency, and adventure puzzle-solving. The hero's arsenal consists of both conventional weaponry and special ghost-hunting equipment. Ghost Hunter overlays its grim story line and macabre environments with darkly humorous dialogue and plot developments, for a distinct presentational style.
Product Details
UPC 722674100212
Format Video Game
No. of Disks 1
Devices Gamepad, Joystick
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Teen
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
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